Roundcube Community Forum


Admin Panel

Started by CarlosinFL, March 26, 2010, 08:26:13 AM

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I think RC is missing a GUI admin panel. I just installed & tested Atmail Webmail Webmail Client - Groupware, Webmail, PHP powered, Ajax interface and MySQL backend. The software is very impressive and what I really love is being able to login from the login page to an admin console which offers a dashbaord and allows you to manage users.

Managing users is my biggest complaint in RC. Having to remove a user from the mail server then manually having to login to MySQL and remove all there settings too sucks. With Atmail, I can simply click one button to delete one user or mutiple from webmail and MySQL backend. Very impressive and I love the dashboard statitics.

Just a suggestion...

Julius Caesar

Thanks for the suggestion. As you can see in the roadmap, this is a feature for the future.
Julius Caesar

You can download the Groupvice4 theme here.
Sie können Groupvice4 hier he