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php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

Started by ishvir, March 25, 2008, 09:17:38 AM

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I am running RoundCube Webmail Installer

Under the, Checking php.ini/.htaccess settings, I get the error:
magic_quotes_gpc: NOT OK(is '1', should be '0')

I since inserted:
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

so that .htaccess now is as under, please tell me whats wrong and why I get the same error, thanks:

# AddDefaultCharset   UTF-8
AddType text/x-component .htc

 php_flag   display_errors   Off
 php_flag   log_errors   On
 php_flag    magic_quotes_gpc off
 php_value   error_log   logs/errors
 php_value   upload_max_filesize   5M
 php_value   post_max_size   6M
 php_value   memory_limit   64M
 php_value   session.auto_start   0
 php_value   zlib.output_compression   0
 php_value   magic_quotes_gpc    0

 php_flag   display_errors   Off
 php_flag   log_errors   On
 php_flag    magic_quotes_gpc off
 php_value   error_log   logs/errors
 php_value   upload_max_filesize   5M
 php_value   post_max_size   6M
 php_value   memory_limit   64M
 php_value   session.auto_start   0
 php_value   zlib.output_compression   0
 php_value   magic_quotes_gpc    0

 Order allow,deny
 Deny from all

Order deny,allow
Allow from all