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Password plugin on self-install RC at Bluehost - SOLVED

Started by lobsterman, July 16, 2013, 09:12:19 AM

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Updated RC to 0.9.2 on my self-install at Bluehost and added in the password plugin (it was not installed before).

I can't get the cpanel setup to work at all (no matter how I fiddle the options).

The SQL setup throws a blank page and doesn't change the pwd.

Pointers or suggestions would be most welcome.


Bluehost uses cPanel so you would need to use the cPanel driver. It order to offer any help you'll need to post what you've tried for settings.


I use the cPanel option with

// cPanel Driver options
// --------------------------
// The cPanel Host name
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_host'] = 'localhost';

// The cPanel admin username
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_username'] = 'adminUsername';

// The cPanel admin password
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_password'] = 'adminPwd';

// The cPanel port to use
$rcmail_config['password_cpanel_port'] = 2095;

Also tried the domain name both as &

Have tried several ports: 2087, 2095, 2095

I have a self-signed certificate installed on this domain and has 'force_https' set.


Try port 2082, the cPanel host will be the domain when your logged into cPanel.



OK, interface question: I cannot manage to decipher where to change the field labels in the Password change page.

The plugin labels the fields very poorly (see the attached screenshot).

Can someone tell me on which lines to modify these field labels? It has to be in password.php but I can't spot it.


It looks like your missing the localization, there should be a folder named localization in the password plugin folder with text for each language.


Many thanks! Spot on, I was. I just haven't figured out how to download a folder from that github site:

How is that done?


Just go to git and on the right side click the "Download Zip" button and then you can pull out the folder.


That I understand. I was trying to figure out how to download only the entire password source, here:

But I guess that means that the current password source is included in the .9 release?

In any event, I just downloaded the files I need and it works fine now.

Many thanks,


The files on the trac are just a clone of whats on git.