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Can you help me make Google happy?

Started by MarketingJunkie, September 19, 2006, 04:39:43 AM

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I just got my hands on a secret Google document showing the importance of having an HTML header display the Last-Modified date.

Can you point me in the right direction on how to have the Last-Modified show up on my headers (probably via .htaccess)?

Once I confirm my findings, I'll post 'em here.


Integrity is a mindset that guides our personal and professional behavior requiring honesty, trustworthiness and character!


Header set last-modified "Sun Dec 20 15:30:00 GMT 2006"

Is it you want ?


heh. I know what this is :P one of google's "easter eggs" ...


Quote from: owenhau
Header set last-modified "Sun Dec 20 15:30:00 GMT 2006"

Is it you want ?
I believe so, yes -- obviously the date and time would show up dynamically.

I would be quite grateful for this code.

Thank you in advance.

Markus Allen