I have roundcube 0.1-rc1.1 installed succesfully. But when I login, no browser gives me the chance to click "remember password". The guy who recommended me roundcube tells, that on his roundcube it saves the password ok, buts it's a lot older installation than rc1.
I can't find any relevant config option for this, except that there is this setting:
Quote// this key is used to encrypt the users imap password which is stored
// in the session record (and the client cookie if remember password is enabled).
// please provide a string of exactly 24 chars.
$rcmail_config['des_key'] = 'rcmail-!24ByteDESkey*Str';
I guess this could hint that there actually is a remember password option somewhere, but I can't find none in the default config file.
Any help for me?
Roundcube don't have a remember password function. Some browsers offer the option to save the password, maybe thats whats happen.
The browser's feature was what I meant - it seems to be somehow disabled in roundcube, since with every computer we try, with either MSIE6 or Firefox 1 or 2, the browsers don't give us the popup. But they do it for every other username/password form we try.
So if there is not a setting for it, the reason has to be either the login technique roundcube uses (but my friend has told me that in their ancient installation it works - perhaps the technique has been changed at some point?), or my installation is somehow screwed up - but the cookies/sessions seem to be working ok otherwise.
Strange. Can someone confirm that roundcube (0.1-rc1.1) either:
a) does give them the browser's "remember username and password" window just like with other login forms
b) doesn't give the window, even if it does with other login forms.
Answer b would mean there is nothing I can do about this (except tweaking roundcube's login quite a lot, if I can), but if the answer is a, there's still something for me to work with :)
One thing I really miss in Roundcube!
Well. User Opera :) Wand Passwords :)
Quote from: flosoft Well. User Opera :) Wand Passwords :)
I use Opera, but the remember password function does`nt work with roundcube :(.
Huh? Mine always worked here. Try it at: https://flosoft.biz/webmail
I can confirm it worked before with both MSIE and Firefox, but no longer since rc1. Would be very nice if this could be fixed for these browsers :)
Quote from: flosoft Huh? Mine always worked here. Try it at: https://flosoft.biz/webmail
It works with your version svn 6.20, but not with rc1.
So i guess it`s fixed ::)
Now i installed the svn 6.20 and it doesnt work :(
my system ubuntu/linux, firefox
In file
go to line 1444
$input_user = new textfield(array('name' => '_user', 'id' => 'rcmloginuser', 'size' => 30, 'autocomplete' => 'off'));
and change 'autocomplete' => 'off'
'autocomplete' => 'on'
it should help :)
didn`t work for me :-[ (rc-1)
That works for me! Thank you VERY much ;D
If it didn't work, clear your cache.
Quote from: SKaero If it didn't work, clear your cache.
I cleared my cache, and i`m using roundcube rc-1.
I tried this:
"In file
go to line 1444
$input_user = new textfield(array('name' => '_user', 'id' => 'rcmloginuser', 'size' => 30, 'autocomplete' => 'off'));
and change 'autocomplete' => 'off'
'autocomplete' => 'on'"
But no use.
Try if it works for you: **********************
My browser: Opera 9.21
Quote from: xyanide Try if it works for you: http://www.iq-design.nl/mail
My browser: Opera 9.21
Just tested, it asks if you want to save user/pass in Firefox 2 fine. Not sure about Opera tho, sorry.
Quote from: jcwacky Quote from: xyanide Try if it works for you:
My browser: Opera 9.21
Just tested, it asks if you want to save user/pass in Firefox 2 fine. Not sure about Opera tho, sorry.
True, it works with fireworks 2, but not in opera :-\
Yes, autocomplete -> on works nice. Everything is fine now.
You devs probably should include the possibility to configure this in the config files :)
Changing to "on" works for me with RC1.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread. Is it possible to get this working on 0.2beta?
Everything is working perfectly, but it doesn't prompt to remember the password on FF3 or IE7.
If I can get this working, it will be absolutely perfect for me.
Many thanks
Check this:
MyRoundCube - RoundCube Webmail Forum (http://www.roundcubeforum.net/myroundcube/)
Enable plugin "pw_tools" and disable all other plugins, you don't like.
In default RC goto skins/default/templates/login.html, find autocomplete="off" and change it to autocomplete="on".
Superb - Editing login.html worked immediately.
Thanks a lot :)