Roundcube Community Forum



Started by rksstram, August 23, 2024, 05:39:59 PM

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Hi everyone,

Unfortunately I have browsed on the community page with no concrete info so I'm going to ask the direct question here. I require help with my roundcube mailbox.

i currently use the main email address and I have created an alias address xxx@[businessname].com

every time someone tries to reach me at the second email 'xxx@[businessname].com ' the sender receives an email saying that my "business email" doesn't exist.

So long story short, can Aliases email on roundcube receive emails? because when it comes to sending the business email goes fine, the issue here is that people essentially can reply back to that email and I don't want that.

Can someone enlight me on this ?


It sounds like either you have have the alias created on the mail server for [businessname].com or the MX DNS records are not pointing to the correct mail server. Do you own the domain and server or are you using using Roundcube as provided by someone else?